cartoonsub - обложка сериала


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13 серия 2 сезона Something's a Ms


Описание сериии:

Each day, Ms. Bellum takes the rest of the afternoon off and each night she calls the girls whenever a crime is committed, but the girls are unable to find any clues.

One day, Ms. Bellum fails to show up at the office when the Mayor receives a ransom note from his fax machine - Sedusa is holding Ms. Bellum for ransom and wants a million dollars in exchange for her.


The Powerpuff Girls take the ransom to Ms. Bellum's house where they find she somehow single-handedly subdued Sedusa herself, but of course, it's actually Sedusa in disguise and she easily takes the girls out with her new hair gel. At this point, Ms. Bellum, still in Sedusa's clothing, steps up to fight Sedusa. Ms. Bellum, shown she is no match for Sedusa even in hand-to-hand, takes the fight to the swimming pool, where she manages to knock her out. Sedusa tries to retaliate, but the water has broken her hair, so Ms. Bellum uses water to free the girls. Sedusa tries to fight Ms. Bellum and the girls without her hair, but Ms. Bellum defeats her by cutting off her hair.

The Mayor of Townsville is glad to have Ms. Bellum back and the girls reveal that the ransom was just the Mayor's dirty laundry - the whites. At this point, the Mayor heads off to the prison before visiting hours are over, to everyone else's confusion.

And so, the day is saved, thanks to Ms. Bellum and the Powerpuff Girls - the Cuties of Townsville.

13 серия 2 сезона Something's a Ms