cartoonsub - обложка сериала


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11b серия 2 сезона Cover Up


Описание сериии:

When the Mayor calls the girls, Blossom & Bubbleslooks for their sister but there wasn't any time left and Buttercup arrives late. The next time the Mayor calls them, they do not find Buttercup once again, until they discover her cuddling with a green blanket in the closet, chanting, "I am a good fighter" over and over again. Her sisters are hysterical, and suddenly the blanket is lost. When Buttercup discovers her blanket is missing, she trashes the entire house to look for it, but with no success and ends up throwing a tantrum. Another monster appears, and Buttercup does not have the confidence to defeat it until Blossom shows up with her blanket. Later that evening at home, Buttercup discovers that it wasn't really her blanket, just a fake one that Blossom found. At that, Buttercup desperately searches the house for her blanket, but then breaks down. Then the Professor turns up with the blanket. Buttercup at first hugs it tightly, but when her sisters glare at her, she changes her tune and lets the Professor keep the blanket. Like Buttercup earlier, the Professor repeatedly chants, "I am a good scientist" while rubbing the blanket on his face. Soon, after the Narrator says the usual tagline, he repeatedly (like Buttercup and the Professor) chants, "I am a good narrator."

11b серия 2 сезона Cover Up