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7-B серия 1 сезона Mr. Mojo's Rising

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Описание сериии:

One otherwise normal day, Mojo Jojo kidnaps the professor from his lab and leaves a note. Upon evaluation of the crime scene, the girls speed to Mojo's lair, but only to have Mojo reveal to them that before the girls were born, he was an ordinary monkey named Jojo who was the Professor's pet.

According to Mojo's accounts, he was well-loved by the Professor until the girls were born. He also goes on to remark that the fallout from the explosion that created the girls also affected him; his Chemical X poisoning was enough to mutate his brain and grant him superhuman intelligence. Over time, however, even as his feats with his new-found intelligence prove impressive, they go unnoticed in contrast to the girls' own powers. The professor's neglect and his own dejection inspired him to take on life as a supervillain, dedicating his life to destroying them and the world along with it.

Though the professor admits that he did have a pet monkey named Jojo, he does not remember much before the girls were born. In an attempt to make amends, the Professor works with Mojo to build a machine capable of giving him superpowers similar to theirs.

Upon having the girls' powers copied into himself, Mojo quickly outmatches the girls using all their own strengths against them, along with his improved brainpower. Soon after dispatching the girls, he plans to use his new powers to rule the world; he even goes so far as to dismantle his laboratory and weaponry, declaring them useless with the advent of his new abilities.

As he watches him destroy things, the professor finally remembers Mojo as his assistant. Contrary to his claim, Mojo was a terrible lab assistant to the Professor who only destroyed everything he touched as Utonium remarks he still hasn't changed as Mojo tries to hide his action. The Professor's accounts were that he eventually got so fed up that he kicked him out the very day the girls were born. Replaying the story, he then remembers that while he was making the concoction, Jojo pushed the Professor in such a way to have him hit the container Chemical X and bring the girls to life in their current form; the Professor realizes that Mojo Jojo himself was responsible for creating the Powerpuff Girls.

Mojo is shocked beyond words at the realization that he created what he despises. The Professor and the girls soon have Mojo's powers removed, as he and the girls leave while calling him family as a taunt. The episode ends with Mojo repeating: It was me.

7-B серия 1 сезона Mr. Mojo's Rising