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4 серия 4 сезона Him Diddle Riddle


Описание сериии:

The episode starts with the girls trying to answer a riddle, which was set for 2 minutes. After they have solved the riddle, HIM appears, congratulating the girls for solving the first riddle, and tells them that they have eight more to go. HIM then gives them the second riddle about trying to bring tears down. After The Powerpuff Girls solve the problem, HIM orders them to run to a street in the corner which is called Ching and Chang without flying. The girls tried to split up and attempted to use different modes of transport (Blossom hitching a ride in a food truck, Buttercup taking the subway and Bubbles taking the bus, then riding a pony). Blossom arrived and HIM gave them the next quiz about two trains, one came from Pokey Oaks and the other from Norwalk and asked them where the train will collide. The girls could not do the math, so they went to the station and found the trains, succeeding in stopping them from colliding. Another puzzle involves Ms. Keane. HIM told them that the true Ms. Keanewould tell the girls the truth and the false, a lie. Blossom deduces and solves the riddle (Unfortunately she takes fifteen seconds too long and answers incorrectly, but this goes unnoticed by the other characters).

Next, HIM gave them SATs and told them that they must get over 100 to pass the test, or the Professor will "pay." HIM and the girls arrive at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten and HIM told them to begin. After the time's up, HIM checked their test papers with the scanner. Buttercup got 25 (much to her irritation and Blossom's amusement), Blossom got an even lower score of 10 (much to her shock and Buttercup's triumph), and Bubbles receives an unexpected 1075. HIM says "Well, I'll be darned." The next challenge is to defeat a monster, however, the girls must defeat him without superpowers. Buttercup and Bubbles distract the monster while Blossom climbs up a building to attack the monster by pulling his hair. Which results in the monster stomping loudly. The monster then slips on a banana peel, thrown by Bubbles, and lands butt first onto a taxi called by Buttercup, which takes the monster to an airport, thus "defeating him". The girls meet up for the final challenge where HIM then asks "Where is boiling and freezing at the same time."

The Mayor assists the girls and tells them the coordinates of where they were supposed to go. However, they went to the wrong building while their real destination was across the road. The girls do not make it in time and HIM declares that the "Professor must pay." What he actually means is that he had made a deal with the Professor that if the girls solve all his riddles in time, the Professor could have a free breakfast at the Otto Diner. Professor gives HIM the money, frustrated, and decides that he'll go to another diner as HIM tries to bargain desperately. The girls were stunned by this and even the narrator ends the episode, sounding just as confused as the girls

4 серия 4 сезона Him Diddle Riddle