cartoonsub - обложка сериала


Cartoonsub - это проект одного человека, уставшего человека.

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Ping Pong Z

Рекомендую установить блокировщик рекламы. Рекламу в видео невозможно контролировать.

Описание сериии:

Professor Utonium tells the girls to do the dishes while he has to run some errands. Buttercup tells Blossom and Bubbles to play a ping-pong challange. Blossom and Buttercup (except Bubbles) play the game and Buttercup accidentally hits a crystal gnome by mistake (beacause Blossom missed the shot). Buttercup is about hit Grandma Mumu, Bubbles protects it. Buttercup flies up in the air outside and hits the ball everywhere (crashing in the lab, putting on the Mayor's hat, Mojo Jojo trying to shrink an elephant, and Bubbles hits the ball in space). The girls continue playing the game and Buttercup wins. Professor Utonium comes home and sees the mess that the girls made in the house. He then tells the girls that they haven't been doing the dishes. The short ends with Blossom stunnly saying "Uh, best 2 out of 3?".

Ping Pong Z