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13 серия 3 сезона Ghosts of Geonosis (часть 2) Призраки Джеонозиса (ч. 2)

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Описание сериии:

In response to Saw's questions, the Geonosian (nicknamed "Klik-Klak") draws two circles in the dirt. Not understanding what Klik-Klak is trying to say, Saw handcuffs Klik-Klak and forces him to lead them deeper into the ruins. Ezra becomes concerned at the hostility Saw is showing to Klik-Klak, and Rex explains that Saw's sister was killed by a Geonosian-built gunship during the Clone Wars. Meanwhile, an Imperial patrol detects life signs on Geonosis and sends scouts to investigate. Underground, Klik-Klak leads the Rebels to his hideout, where he was protecting a Geonosian Queen egg. The rebels then bring Klik-Klak back to the Ghost, where Saw begins torturing Klik-Klak and threatens to destroy the egg if he does not talk, ignoring the crew's objections. Ezra then points out Saw would be no better than the Empire if he destroys the Geonosians' last chance of survival as a species, causing Saw to reconsider. However, the Imperials send an attack force after the Ghost, forcing it to flee deep underground. In an underground chamber, they find large containers full of poison gas that the Imperials had used to exterminate the Geonosians. Saw decides to give the Geonosians a second chance at survival and lets Klik-Klak go, who flees deeper into the tunnels. The Rebels then try to escape with the gas containers to use them as proof of the Empire's atrocities, but they are lost when they blast their way through an Imperial cruiser. Bail Organa notes that without the containers, there is insufficient evidence for the Senate to act, but the pictures the crew had taken can be used as propaganda to further the Rebel cause. Kanan reminds Ezra that like Saw, not all Rebels fight for the same cause or for the same reasons, but Hera muses that despite her misgivings about him, Saw proved that he was better than the Imperials.


13 серия 3 сезона Ghosts of Geonosis (часть 2) Призраки Джеонозиса (ч. 2)