cartoonsub - обложка сериала


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7 серия 2 сезона The Crackle Goes Kiwi Caper

Рекомендую установить блокировщик рекламы. Рекламу в видео невозможно контролировать.

Тут был плеер без рекламы, но деньги кончились и пока сервер арендовать не могу

Описание сериии:

In Moscow, Shadow-san and Carmen encounter Neal the Eel at the Kremlin, but he escapes. Players learns Neal stole schematics of "The Trip Wire" EMP weapon, which Dr. Bellum will likely improve upon. With Neal involved, Shadow-san deduces Bellum's lab to be in New Zealand. Player urges they have a skilled electrician on-site to manage the power grid hack, suggesting Crackle despite Carmen's wish to protect Graham. Still recruiting him in Sydney for 'a charity opera', they fly him to Auckland. As Graham's memories in V.I.L.E. were wiped, Shadow-san stays at their San Diego HQ, not risking triggering any V.I.L.E. memories or impulses. In the lab, Carmen deletes all Trip Wire data, but runs into Neal upon exiting. As Graham starts the "encore," he realizes the deception, enters Bellum's lab and finds Carmen mid-caper. She exfils Graham to the roof, but Bellum holds Auckland hostage for her capitulation. At the roof, Graham's subconscious V.I.L.E. training allows him to sabotage the Trip Wire, which Bellum destroys activating. Carmen finally has coffee with Graham, content V.I.L.E. is unaware of his involvement. Elsewhere, A.C.M.E. tracks Carmen and learns about Graham, believing him to be of use

7 серия 2 сезона The Crackle Goes Kiwi Caper