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5 серия 1 сезона The Duke of Vermeer Caper

Рекомендую установить блокировщик рекламы. Рекламу в видео невозможно контролировать.

Тут был плеер без рекламы, но деньги кончились и пока сервер арендовать не могу

Описание сериии:

In Amsterdam, Carmen goes undercover to stop Countess Cleo, the mastermind who's been replacing priceless paintings with amazingly accurate forgeries. To do this, she steals the last Vermeer painting on the list, and sets up a meeting. But at the hotel room awaiting their contact, Zack mistakenly opens the door to Countess Cleo's assistant Dash Haber, giving them only 24 hours to turn the bumbling Bostonian boy into a convincing Duke. Elsewhere, Devineaux and Argent search for "The Dutchess", unaware that she is Carmen's alias to infiltrate Cleo's gathering. After preparing Zack and following from a safe reach, Carmen finds Devineaux following them, and eludes him again. As Zack meets the Countess, Carmen infiltrates her manor to switch the stolen painting collection with blanks, but is running out of time. When dinner ends and dessert is being handed out, Cleo surprises everyone with Caviar, and Zack hates fish which causes a moment of suspicion for Cleo, until Devineaux arrives to warn them that Carmen Sandiego is on the property; coincidentally allowing Carmen the extended time needed to steal all the paintings. Cleo is surprised to hear this until she sees a red cloak woman motor-skiing away, but still finds her collection gone. Devineaux catches up with "Carmen", but it's Ivy pretending to be a tourist in a red cloak angry at Devineaux's recklessness following her, while Zack and Carmen escape with the paintings. The next day, A.C.M.E. finds the manor destroyed and no trace remaining, as well as all Vermeer paintings returned. In Sydney, Crackle gets off a bus in front of the Sydney Opera House

5 серия 1 сезона The Duke of Vermeer Caper