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Охотники на троллей: Сказания Аркадии | Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia - 2 сезон

Описание сезона:

Part Two of Trollhunters focuses on Jim and his friends after he has returned from the Darklands. He has succeeded in rescuing Enrique, but the evil Gunmar and several of his minions have been released into the real world and are set on taking it over.

During this season, Jim and his friends face serious accusations from the Troll Tribunal for their actions and some major events begin to happen, such as Steve and Eli forming a supernatural fighting team of their own, Blinky having a not-so happy reunion with his presumed deceased brother, Dictatious Galadrigal, Trollmarket being taken over after a mole is found in the midst, and something really dark happens to Claire at the end of this chapter.